Goodehealth's main goal is to deliver a personalized health experience.Educating their users on their health through their personal blood
test kit data.
BackgroundDuring the fall of 2021 Goodehealth approached Lumber with
proposition of recreating their product technology from the ground
up, as they were unsatisfied with the previous agencies outcome.
Our ObjectiveResearch, strategize and design an end-to-end web experience to help
modernize their product and reduce load to their customer experience
The Problem
The Goodehealth team voiced their many frustrations with their current
digital product. Many of the underlying issues fell on unsatisfied
customers, and their customer experience team having to fight an
uphill battle to alleviate these issues.
This situation creates frustration for both the customer experience
staff and users of the product. It also represents an avoidable time
cost to both parties.
The Challenge
How might we redevelop Goodhealth's current product to better
reflect what users expect from a modern health application, as well
as address current issues with the product?
Design Timeline
Heuristic / Usability Evaluation
Intake and Alignment with Goodehealth
Competitor Analysis
App Structure
Site Map / User Flows
Design Exploration
Design System
High Fidelity Prototype
Product Launch
My Role
Facilitated communication between Goodehealth and our team regarding
design decisions. Provided our developers with UX flow-walkthroughs,
and Design QA documents. Regularly ensuring that they were always in
the loop with what Design was up to.
What success looks like
Increase in users ordering recurring blood test kits
Increase in activation rate of the blood test kit product
Acquisition of more users for their partner services
Research Findings
Research Process
CX and Analytics Team Meetings
Competitor analysis
Application audit
Heuristic and Usability Evaluation
From the beginning we wanted to alleviate the many pains Goodehealth as a client had with their product.
We took a broad look onwards to the entire product and found many issues that further reinforced the burden
upon the CX Team and Customers.
Old Dashboard Experience
The previous agency had left over boiler-plate styling for the subscription management. This resulted in many issues on the user level:
Subscription Management
Not knowing where to click
Inability to find key actions
Lack of Proper error Prevention
Management was on e-commerce site only
Previous Subscription Management
Results Overview
Color for severity Ranges were confusing
Blue was “better” than green
Comparison slider component
Health Score
Results Overview
Graph lacks clarity and the user can't interact with individual data points
Biomarker sections are not distinguishable
Biomarker Card View
Results Overview
Rounding Error within Formula
Breakdown of score hidden behind modal
Color ranges were decorative rather than functional
Health Score on Overview
Evaluation Takeaways
System status was not clear in many casesNo visual feedback given to when the user completes actions
Confusion around scientific termsScientific terms without proper labeling or accompanying information
Issues with component clarityText links without underlying, proper contrast, buttons without touch targeting on mobile
CX and Analytics Insights
By the numbers:
Subscribe on spot to the product
Users never registered their blood kit
Users use the dashboard on mobile
By the users (insights via CX team):
Trouble managing Subscriptions
Confusion registering Blood Test Kit
Competitor Analysis
There were many key solution elements we wanted to tackle with the redesign. Taking a look at other competitors from a quantitative feature comparison and how they handled these features would help us better gain insight and growth for the redesign. The framework for our analysis was as follows: strengths, opportunities and weaknesses
Competitor Analysis Key Takeaways
Data should be comparable
Data should be interactive
Accompanied with teachings
Design - Phase One
Information Architecture
As a group I proposed an affinity mapping exercise. The goal here was to create an underlying structure for the application that we could use as a base for our flows and site-maps. This exercise involved both parties and the desired outcome was to ensure we were all on the same page.
Affinity Mapping Results
Initial Sitemap based on Affinity Mapping
User Flow and Journeys
Once as a group we were satisfied with the architecture of the dashboard we moved onto mapping out the key user flows we wanted to address with the redesign and our user journey maps.
The disconnect between the digital and physical product that needed to be addressed. We decided an avenue to solve for this was to introduce friction at key points of the user journey.
Registration flow
Onboarding / blood kit “Waiting room”
Biomarker card flow
Subscription management flow
Low Fidelity Wireframes
Biomarker card flowAs we wanted to present a prototype to the stakeholders we focused on trouble areas to display within the wireframe flows. These included the registration, main navigation pages and subscription management.
Early Biomarker and Health Score VisualizationsMain PagesThese are the main pages of content through out the experience. They are also directly tied with the navigation.
After all the new information we had gained, we presented our findings to the stakeholders. We decided to create a few goals and principles we would focus our solution on.Design Principles
Educate, and empower users to explore the product
Bridge gap between physical and digital aspect of the product
Address the major CX pain points
Modernize the UX from a heuristic perspective
Design - Phase Two
Design System Co-Creation
We were on a very tight deadline and developers needed to start building soon. This part was lead by my coworker YP as she was brought into the project for her experience creating design systems.
Elements cont'd
Addressing Principles and Goals
It was at this stage we were making sure our solution incorporated our design principles and goodehealth's business goals.
Bridge the gap between physical and digital aspect of the product
To address this issue nudges were implemented. For starters, those waiting on their blood test kit to be analyzed by the lab, or the shipment of their superfood blend.Nudge ComponentThey can also monitor progress of their test kit directly from the dashboard. Previously users would had to rely on e-mail communications only.
Modernize the UX from a heuristic perspective
Clearer system status was addressed by anytime a change is made to a user's account a tool tip modal briefly appears. Loading screen icon to go with the brand's motif and to provide a smoother transition.
Loading state, changes saved tool tip
Connecting kit state
System Processing Button State
System Message Bubbles
Address the major CX paint points
My SubscriptionTo address the pain points caused by subscription management for customers and customer experience the entire journey was reworked from the ground up. Working closely with the developers to validate my designs. Also ensuring that we could offer all the same features the users are used to and new ones.
Educate, and empower users to explore the product
Biomarker Card ViewThis was addressed by creating a system to better visualize the individual health markers.
Severity levels
Total Score
Varied by individual biomarker
Creating this broader scope lessens the confusion behind the scientific language previously being used.
Health ScoreHaving the final design emphasize the colour ranges, density of rings and overall score makes for a concise snapshot of health for the user to explore upon.
Biomarker “Latest” ViewWith the final design of the bars we decided to show the range the user was in with the colour of that range highlighted within the range. This made the most sense as there are some biomarkers where having a higher value is actually seen as severe. (HDL)
Biomarker Graph View
Individual Data History
Colour to communicate severity ranges
Information to educate user regarding biomarker
The intention here was to further educate and provide ways of actions users could improve their biomarker on.
Business Goals
Increase In activation of rate of the blood test kit product
Increase in users ordering recurring blood test kits
Blood test kit presenceIncrease friction in registration flow and mentions of the blood kit throughout the experience
Kit activiation CTA on main navigation
Acquisition of more users for their partner services (i.e. Health coaching, Stix Products)
Upsells placed in strategic spotsIntroducing call out CTA's to different products offered by Goodehealth within the main experience.
The Solution
Cross Functional
Designing for web has its own unique challenges. Working closely with developers helped me learn the limitations that arise when creating a product for the web.
Cross Platform
Addressing issues that were present from a physical perspective interested me the most as goodehealth's product has distinct digital and physical aspects that need to work within a single context.
As the timeline was very tight for this project we weren't able to conduct formal user tests. I would love to in the future draft up a test plan in which we can hope to validate the decisions we made during this sprint.