With remote learning on the rise due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic Trac is an application aimed at students with the goal of creating an intuitive platform that promotes self-regulation and time management amongst students.
The Challenge
How might we develop a mobile application that helps students keep track of their course work and manage their time?
Design Timeline
User Interviews
Brainstorming, Wireframes, System Map, Visual Design
High Fidelity
To be able to empathise with how students have been operating in the new e-learning environment we conducted nine user interviews from students in various university and college programs. We asked questions focusing on three main metrics.
Interview Question Criteria
Self Regulation
Troubles around self-organizing deadlines
“I waste time with current e-learning platforms trying to make sense of things that aren't set up properly, or just missing information.”
Troubles locating information
“Sometimes they post it on slate and not on teams, so we get confused. So we have to go to slate to find it. Submissions for certain projects appear on teams but not on slate”
Students felt it was difficult to manage their time
“I did start to use the tool called notion - over time i stopped using it and started to rely on texting my classmates to understand what was going on and I started to comment on the team's channel itself to know what was going on.”
After reviewing and gaining insights from our research we moved onto iterating over the features we would like in our application. This would range from deciding the intended user-flow, addressing key pain points from our insights, and finally a system map to base the flow on.
Key Solution Elements from Needs:
Quick overview of all upcoming assignments and deadlines
All components from experience into one concise page
Weekly / Monthly
Assignments / Tasks
System Map
Low Fidelity Wireframes
Design System
Getting Started
Onboarding #1
Onboarding #2
Onboarding #3
Sign up
Create Account
Sync Apps
Sign In
Create a Task
Being the listenerConducting remote interviews really put me on the spot, but I was able to find my footing. I did my best to let conversations free-flow so I could gain unique insights from each of my interviews. Often I would get similar opinions but frustrations that varied. Each interview provided me with new perspectives that I could incorporate into our brain-storming.For next timeI would've liked to expand more on the feature set of collaboration amongst students. It was a reoccurring paint point that I felt we could've addressed better if we had more time.